Docs / Qualification
Qualification is the process of ensuring a lead is the right fit for the Bottom of Funnel sales process. Every business has different criteria for what qualifies a lead to begin the sales process.
The essence of sales team performance is separating leads that qualify from those that don’t.
Qualifying leads saves time. There is no point in spending effort making proposals, negotiating, and using team resources if the client is not a good fit.
Qualifying leads also removes noisy data and improves the accuracy of the sales forecasts, allowing the team to make better decisions.
As a business evolves its product offering and position, it may change the qualification criteria. When such a change occurs, it may have an impact on the conversion rate as the volume of deals entering the Bottom of Funnel changes.
Just because a lead isn’t qualified, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t provide value to the organization. The lead may simply not be qualified yet, or they may be able to make a referral for a lead that is qualified. Your organization may still track and work with these leads, but from an OSM deal flow forecasting perspective, they are not used.
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